The Executive Director Administration of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Alhaji Zubairu Ibrahim Bayi, fniob, has described the company’s human capital as the reliable bedrock, which has continued to define the company’s strong performance in the industry and market. Bayi made the remark at the 2022 Long Service Awards Ceremony of the Company, which held in Abuja FCT. Bayi said, ‘‘…as worthy staff of our great company, your continuing hard work, loyalty, commitment, resilience, experience and cooperation, as well as the meticulous planning and continuous investments in both human capital and technology by the Company have all helped greatly in the laudable stability we have achieved as a corporate entity.”
According to Bayi, the award ceremony is an annual event to recognize Julius Berger’s long-serving staff and to show appreciation to the workers for their contribution towards the continued success and progress of the Company. “It is our annual tradition in Julius Berger Nigeria Plc to appreciate and reward well-deserving staff.” He said 647 serving staff were honoured at the 2022 event. Bayi, on behalf of the executive management, acknowledged the workers as the bedrock of the Company. “Your loyal commitment, excellent professionalism, tenacity and can-do spirit have kept the Company on a steady path of progress through the years. This long service award event is in recognition of your good work, and also the reciprocal commitment of the Company towards our highly valued workforce.”,” said Bayi.
The Executive Director also said that in the outgoing year, Julius Berger put into place structures for optimization of productivity across the entire spectrum of the Company’s operations in order to keep the Company competitive and further support sustainable performance in the Company’s business for the years to come.
Bayi celebrated the leadership of the company, saying, “…under the strategic guidance of our diverse and extensively experienced Board of Directors, and the able operational dynamism of the Executive Management, regional teams and different heads of departments, Julius Berger has remained dynamic, successful and steadily primed for even greater success in the near future.” Bayi further added that, “the collegiate experience of the members of the Board of Directors and Executive Management, coupled with their collective determination to continue taking this company to the next level, has made Julius Berger the enviable and desirable destination for every serious investor in the market, today. To keep afloat as a going business concern, the Board of Directors and Executive Management, he said, developed three strategic pillars for Julius Berger’s operations, namely, the company’s core construction business, its well-integrated subsidiaries; and its transformative diversification policy. The operation of the above three pillars, Bayi said, has resulted in a positive client mix for the company from both the public and private sectors, adding, “good results are emerging.”
To a round of appreciative applause from the teeming workers and guests present at the event, the Director of Administration stated that, “…it is a testimony to the very focused work of the Board and Management that Julius Berger has received several recognition awards, amongst which is the most recent 2022 Pearl award as the Highest Dividend Growth Company in the Nigerian Stock Market.” Bayi called the Pearl award “…a bold and credible evidence of the company’s robust productivity and progressive success.”
Speaking on industrial harmony within Julius Berger’s operations, the director of administration said that due to the constant, mutual consultation between the junior workers’ Union and the senior staff Association, and the Management on all pertinent issues, the company has continued to enjoy industrial peace nationwide. “I make bold to say that, as evidence of the well-nurtured, closely guarded and continuing industrial harmony between Management and our teeming workers, we are again this year rewarding a total number of 647 workers for their unbroken record of productive service and brilliant performance to the company over the years,” Bayi said. The understanding and cooperation between the company’s workforce, the workers’ industrial Union and Association on the one hand, and the Management on the other hand, Bayi highlighted, has remained helpfully peaceful and productive. This, he said, will be mutually sustained for the progressive growth of the company.
With regard to staff development policy and initiatives by the company, Bayi informed the workers that, “…Management attaches high priority to planned enhanced value of our workers…. During the year, thousands of our workers were trained and retrained; cutting across professional courses with relevant professional bodies, Health Safety and Environment, as well as local training for artisans at the strategic Julius Berger Plant and Equipment Academy, which only recently graduated its first set of trainees.” Management, Bayi stated, envisioned the Academy to be “a leader institution in technical training, the company’s funnel for dynamic, highly trained and resourceful technicians to fill the needs of the company and the industry in general.”
The 2022 long service awardees have worked without break of service for periods ranging from 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and, believe it, to 45 years of service. Their categories and numbers are as follows:10 years (195 Awardees);15 years (307 Awardees); 20 years (62 Awardees); 25 years (41 Awardees); 30 years (20 Awardees); 35 years (17 Awardees); 40 years (4 Awardees); and 45 years (1 Awardee)
Bayi identified a synergy between the large number of the 2022 long service awardees, the commensurate huge volume of man-hours they put into their jobs during the year, and the company’s proud HSE legacy. He said, “…with regard to the Company’s Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) achievements, Julius Berger has a proud and in fact unmatched industry record of Lost Time-Frequency Rate of 0.19, which is less than one Lost Time Injury for every five million man-hours worked.” These operational HSE policies, Bayi added, are now imbibed and observed in the way Julius Berger personnel conduct themselves in and out of the workplace.
On the company’s responsibility towards its host communities, Bayi said Julius Berger has also been proactive with its initiatives that rest on four pillars, namely Health, Education, Sports, and Emergency Response Assistance. He added also that the company’s most recent donation of food to flood victims across its operational areas, its continuing donations to hospitals and orphanages, its educational assistance and book donation initiatives to schools, are all targeted at supporting community-based initiatives in order to promote social and economic inclusivity.
Speaking on the future of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Alhaji Bayi drew the attention of the workers to the words of the Managing Director, Engr. Dr. Lars Richter, during the company’s recent Investor Relations Forum, where the MD confidently stated, “Julius Berger, today, is endowed with the largest market share, limited competition of similar scale, quality and financial capacity. We have a strong brand equity, a seasoned management, an experienced and diverse Board of Directors, and a well-defined Diversification Strategy; all projecting for a strongly-rooted and positive business outlook…” The Managing Director, Bayi further highlighted, had emphasized that the company, “is synonymous with the best quality infrastructure in Nigeria, and the company is assigned… a Stable Outlook with a National Scale rating of A.” At this juncture, looking straight at the attentive workers, Bayi then fully aligned with Engr. Dr. Richter and said: “Ladies and gentlemen, on this occasion of the year 2022 Long Service Awards, I say to you, Julius Berger’s business future remains only progressively good and beneficial to both its shareholders and workforce.”
Bayi also thanked the spouses of the long service award recipients saying, “…whether as wives or husbands, let me also congratulate and thank all the spouses of the awardees for their support, encouragement and perseverance through the years. Without your co-operation, these recipients would not have had the zeal to perform their enviable duties over the years for which they are now honoured. We are therefore grateful for all you have done to make this day possible.”
As the company appreciated the long service awardees, Bayi enjoined the workers to let the occasion to serve as a tonic to propel them to greater heights, as the company shall continually recognise and reward deserving staff. The Director of Administration also craved the understanding of the workers to understand and accept the administrative and structural changes being implemented across the company, emphasizing that the ongoing changes are designed for the further development of the company to achieve its identified goals.
Finally, Bayi used the occasion to thank the members of the Press who were present for what he referred to as their very kind and positive cooperation and work with the company since the year began. “As society’s chief opinion moulders, by your deeply rational understanding and objective reportage of our numerous projects and endeavours across the country, you have continued to sustain our critically necessary and hard-earned good image with the Nigerian public. We appreciate your partnership for peaceful progress in our business operations. On behalf of the Board, Management and entire staff of Julius Berger, I say to the media that we remain partners in progress. Thank you very much,” Bayi said.
Alhaji Bayi congratulated the awardees and wished them, their families and their guests a happy yuletide season and safe travels, even as they continued their well-deserved celebration. The Julius Berger Long service award for 2022 held in all of the company’s operational regions as well
Julius Berger Nigeria Plc is the country’s leading construction company offering holistic services covering the planning, design, engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of buildings, infrastructure and industry projects in Nigeria.
Since its pioneer project in 1965, Julius Berger has played a pivotal role in the development of Nigeria’s industrial and civil infrastructure. The company specialises in executing complex works requiring the highest level of technical expertise and Nigeria-specific knowhow. The company deploys state-of-the-art methods and precision technologies to ensure that quality and innovation are prioritised for the benefit of clients. Subsidiaries and additional facilities make it possible for the company to realise multifaceted projects at the highest level of performance. This structure allows Julius Berger Nigeria Plc to effectively manage and fulfil construction projects, starting from the initial idea, through to planning, design, engineering, construction, operation and maintenance.
The Group is guided by a value system that defines and differentiates it. Adherence to internationally specified standards and a focus on efficient and value-driven delivery of services further solidifies its competitive edge. With unwavering reliability, unmatched quality, leading governance and a true focus on sustainability, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc and its subsidiaries continue to set a benchmark for success.